Il Tc Padova trionfa per la terza volta consecutiva al CTC Competitions Europe 2024


Non c’è 2 senza 3! 
Il Tc Padova vince per il terzo anno consecutivo il campionato europeo del CTC Senior Competitions Europe 2024 (over 35/45), il torneo dei Club Centenari di cui è membro.
La final four si è disputata sui campi di Via Libia lo scorso weekend. Oltre al Tc Padova hanno partecipato alla finalissima i prestigiosi club: Český Lawn Tennis Klub - Praha, Kungl. Lawn Tennis Klubben - Stockholm e il Real Club de Tennis – Barcelona 1899.
Ogni incontro prevedeva 9 match di altissimo livello tennistico, 6 singolari e 3 doppi. Il Tc Padova ha conquistato il primo posto battendo in finale il Praha per 6-3, terzo classificato il Club di Stoccolma, quarto posto per il Real Club de Tennis de Barcelona 1899.
Complimenti a tutti i partecipanti e un grande plauso alla nostra squadra composta dal capitano Alberto Ferrante, Maria Elena Camerin, Anna Benzon, Federica Banfi, Michele Scapolo, Alessandro Fornaro, Luca Serena, Riccardo Vaselli, Riccardo Levorato.
Non solo tennis ma anche momenti di condivisione e divertimento come la cena di sabato sera con live music insieme ai nostri ospiti e soci del Tc Padova. Cogliamo l’occasione per ringraziare Luca e la “Serena Wines” per la generosa degustazione di vini.
Un ringraziamento alla Centenary Tennis Clubs Association e al nostro socio Matteo Carli, che ha diretto le premiazioni in veste di consigliere CTC, e alle squadre ospiti che hanno partecipato a questa fantastica edizione. 
Good things come in threes!
For the third consecutive year, Tennis Club Padova is the final winner of the 2024 CTC Seniors Competition +35/+45, the tournament of the Centenary Tennis Clubs of which it is a member.
The final four took place on the courts of our Club over the last weekend. In addition to the Tennis Club Padova, the following prestigious tennis clubs participated in the finals: Český Lawn Tennis Klub - Praha, Kungl. Lawn Tennis Klubben - Stockholm and Real Club de Tennis - Barcelona 1899.
Each series consisted of 9 matches with a very high level of tennis, 6 singles and 3 doubles.  Tennis Club Padova reached the top of the podium defeating the Prague team by 6-3, while the Stockholm team finished the third and the Catalans arrived fourth.
Congratulations to all the participating teams and a big applause to our team, which brought together Alberto Ferrante (Captain), Maria Elena Camerin, Anna Benzon, Federica Banfi, Michele Scapolo, Alessandro Fornaro, Luca Serena, Riccardo Vaselli and Riccardo Levorato.
Not only tennis, as the programme included also moments of sharing and entertainment, such as the dinner of Saturday evening with live music, together with the guests and members of Tennis Club Padova.  We would like to greatly thank Luca and “Serena Wines” for the kind wine-tasting experience.
Big thanks also to the Association of Centenary Tennis Clubs (CTC) and to Matteo Carli, member of our Tennis Club, who - in his capacity as Board Member of the CTC - directed the awards ceremony, and to the teams which have participated in this fantastic 2024 edition of the competition.

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